(Fully owned by Govt. of India and Reserve Bank of India)
Advt. No. 1/2007-09
Applications are invited from Indian citizens for the following posts in the Rural Development Banking Service (RDBS), Rajbhasha Service Legal Service in NABARD at its Head Office/ Regional Office.
- Assistant Manager 'A' in RDBS : 114 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.11250-22500/-, Qualification : Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree or equivalent qualification in any subject from any recognised university with a minimum of 55% (45% for SC/ST candidates) marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade. , Age : 21-28 years.
- Assistant Manager 'A' in Rajbhasha Service : 03 posts, Pay Scale : Rs.11250-22500/-, Qualification : Post Graduate Degree in Hindi with at least 55% marks (45% for SC/ST candidates) and English as one of the subjects at Bachelor's Degree or Post Graduate Degree in Sanskrit/ English/ Economics/ Commerce with at leat 55% marks (45% for SC/ST candidates) with Hindi as a subject at Bachelor's Degree level or Hindi qualification equivalent to Bachelor Degree. Post Graduate Degree holders in Economics/Commerce with Hindi Medium or in Sanskrit must also have taken English as one of the subjects at Bachelor Degree level., Experience : minimum 2 years experience in translation from English to Hindi and vice-versa or terminology work in Hindi in any organisation/institution of repute is essential., Age : 21-28 years.
- Manager Grade 'B' in Legal Service : 03 posts,Pay Scale : Rs.13700-22400/-, Qualification : Post Graduate Degree in Law with minimum 55% marks (50% for SC/ST) marks from a recognised university or equivalent. Post Graduate Degree in Law is preferred., Experiene : 5 years experience., Age : 21-34 years.
Reservation : SC-18,ST-08,OBC-32, UR-59 for Assistant Manager Grade 'A' and in Leagal service UR-3
Fee : Rs. 250 (No fee from SC/ST/PWD candidates) in the form of DD in favour of "National Bank Agriculture and Rural Development" payable at Mumbai.
How to Apply : Candidates may apply in the prescribed application format and should be send in an enveloped superscibed "Application for the post of Assistant Manager/Manager in NABARD" by post to
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection
Post Box no. 7632, Malad (West), Mumbai-400064
Last date of receipt of application is 15/01/2008.
for further information and application form, please view http://www.nabard.org/pdf/EmpEnglish.pdf