Central Recruitment Promotion Department
State Bank of India (SBI) invites applications from Indian Citizens for recruitment of "Control Room Operators" in Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, North Eastern, Lucknow, New Delhi, Hyderabad Circle amp; State Bank of Bikaner Jaipur in Jaipur Zone, "Armourer" in North Eastern circle. For full details viz State-wise vacancies, age, emoluments, qualification, application format, application fee and/or postage payable and other details, please refer to the detailed advertisement published on the SBI website http://www.sbi.co.in/ . Candidates can apply for one state only. Those desirous of applying in both the banks, may submit separate application alongwith Demand Draft.
Application complete in all respect should reach State Bank of India, Central Recruitment Promotion Department, Corporate Centre, Tulsiani Chambers, Free Press Journal Marg, Mumbai - 400021 on or before 17/08/2007 (for far-flung areas 22/08/2007)
General Manager (CRPD)
Central Recruitment amp; Promotion Centre
Corporate Centre, Mumbai-400021