Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

Advt. No. 1/2007-08

Applications are invited from Indian Citizens and certain other categories of persons for appointments to the following posts. The details of the posts are as follows :
  1. Officers in Grade 'B' : 52 posts (UR-26,SC-2,OBC-24)
  2. Research Officers in Grade B for Department of Economic Analysis and Policy : 9 posts (UR-5,SC-1,OBC-3)
  3. Manager (Technical - Electrical) in Grade B : 1 post (UR)

Application Fee : Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred only) for each post. No fee is payable by SC/ST/PH candidates. Fee is payable by Demand Draft favouring Reserve Bank of India and payable at Mumbai only. Candidates should write their name and address on the reverse of the Demand Draft and in the space provided for the purpose on the Postal Orders (if fee is payable) and enclose them to the application with a pin (should not be stapled). However, candidates from un-banked areas may pay fee by crossed Indian Postal Orders in favour of Reserve Bank of India payable at GPO, Mumbai.

Details such as age, qualification, experience, scheme of selection etc and format of the application, other instructions can be found on the RBI website at and Application Form is available at

Applications in the prescribed format and completd in all respect to be sent to General Manager, Reserve Bank of India Services Board, Opp. Mumbai Central Railway Station, Byculla, Mumbai-400008 by ordinary post. Last date for receipt of application is 20/08/2007. The last is 27/08/207 for those who are living abroad or certain specified far flung areas.

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